what are the Benefits to quitting smoking…

There is no doubt about it vaping is certainly an alternative which is 95% less harmful than smoking as found by Public Health England in their evidence review. Some of the main findings also include that e-cigarettes release negligible amounts of nicotine into the environment, and no health risks to bystanders (e.g passive smoking) have been identified.

Now, let’s take a look at the changes you might see in your personal health once you become smoke free…

Smoking releases thousands of chemicals into your bloodstream. These will have an effect not only on your lungs but also on heart, brain, kidneys and blood pressure. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to your body, quitting will lower your chance of getting cancer and will help you to breathe easier. So, what happens after….

20 minutes:

Your blood pressure will start getting back to normal levels [2]. Bacteria and all irritants will start getting removed from your lungs. Bronchial tubes are unable to move due to excess smoke and tar which stops the cleaning process [3].

8 hours:

At this point the excess carbon monoxide (smaller brother to the famous CO2) is getting removed from your body - and believe us - you don’t want this in your body! Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in your bloodstream which lowers the amount of it getting through to your internal organs and brain. [3]

24 hours:

By this time you have cut the risk of having a heart attack by 50%. [1]  

48 hours:

Your nerves are starting to regrow (yep, smoking has damaged them as well) [3]. That’s not all... Do you notice enhanced smell and taste? Maybe a Sunday roast tastes so much better than before? Well this is a clear indication that your senses are getting back on track.

72 hours:

You will start breathing easier, your bronchial tubes are more relaxed and start to open up. This is because the air in your lungs is able to move more freely. After 3 days your lung capacity improves, this will help in your evening jog or during your morning swimming session. [3]

1 week after quitting:

Congrats, you are 9 times more likely to completely stop smoking at this point! [3]

2 weeks:

Circulation and oxygenation gets back to normal. Now you can not only breathe easier, but walking uphill is also getting easier as well!

As an extra bonus, your lungs are performing 30% better than 2 weeks ago [3], yay!

1 month:

At this point, you will experience a variety of improvements in your health. You should be able to notice improved energy levels and a decrease of shortness of breath [3].

6 months:

Your airways are much less inflamed at this point. Some people are able to handle stressful situations much better due to the reduced blood pressure & heart rate, as well as clearer cognitive ability [3]. Not to mention you’ll probably have hundreds of pounds more in your pocket!


I wish I had a fireworks emoji here, nevertheless, you made it! One year is a big one, you will see huge health improvements across different parts of your body [3].

Yes, you breathe easier, feel better, smell better among other improvements such as the extra thousands of pounds in your bank account [4]. Time to book yourself that dream holiday!

3 years:

High five to you, my non-smoking friend. You made it. You’re never going back. But your body is potentially still recovering from all those cigs! Keep it up and don’t look back. You’ve made it this far.

10 years:

Your risk of dying from lung cancer has fallen by half [1], not bad, eh?

15 years:

The 15-year mark is a huge one. Your body is back to normal [3].

If you are a smoker, stop now, give your future-self a gift. If you’ve already made the switch to vaping and you’re thinking of having a sneaky cigarette at the weekend. Don’t ruin all that hard work.

If you are reading this and don’t smoke, don’t start now, it is not worth risking your health and definitely not worth wasting your hard earned cash on! If you are a current smoker and looking to make the switch to a safer, proven and cheaper alternative, we are here to help.

At Cloud 9 we offer a wide range of vape starter kits and e-liquid to help making the switch to vaping as easy as possible. Our expertly trained staff can help guide you through selecting the right vape device for your needs, what nicotine strength is best suited, how to maintain your device and most importantly, support you through your journey to becoming smoke free.

Why not pop in to Cloud 9 today for specialist advice and kick start your smoke-free journey!

[1] https://www.nhs.uk/smokefree/why-quit/what-happens-when-you-quit

[2] https://onlinedoctor.lloydspharmacy.com/blog/stop-smoking/

[3] https://www.healthline.com/health/what-happens-when-you-quit-smoking

[4] https://www.nhs.uk/smokefree/why-quit/cost-calculator

[5] https://www.nhs.uk/news/heart-and-lungs/e-cigarettes-95-less-harmful-than-smoking-says-report/


Disposable vape ban